Download Previous Year Diploma Paper of Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/May 2019 Paper
Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/May 2019 Diploma PSBTE Paper
Q1. Fill in the Blanks                                              15×1=15
   i. ____________ publishes journals, research publications and standard             specifications.
   ii. Carriage way and shoulders combined together is known as _______
  iii. To prevent abrupt change in grade at apex _________ Curves are provided.
   iv. MOST signifies __________________
   v. The solution of bitumen in solvent is called _________________
   vi. __________ Pavements cab is laid directly over sub grade.
  vii. Cement stabilization reduces _____________Characteristics of clayey soil.
  viii. Compaction of the concrete pavement is done by _____________________
   ix. Turfing is employed to prevent _________________
   x. A salient curve is ______________ Curve.
 b) State True or False.
   xi. Rigid pavement can be laid directly over sub grade.
   xii. Culvert is larger in proportion to a bridge.
  xiii. IRC recommends ruling gradient 0f 1 in 20 for hilly area.
   xiv. Topographic maps are prepared by survey of India.
   xv. Taxiways are used for housing aircrafts
Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                  5×6=30
   a. Explain the softening point test of bitumen. Write its significance.
   b. Write a short note on taxiway.
   c. What do you mean by gradient? Explain the various types of gradient.
   d. Give the functions of IRC.
   e. Compare bitumen and tar.
   f. Explain the CBR test for soil.
   g. What are the causes of landslides?
   h. Explain terms borrow pits and spoil banks.
   i. What do you mean by road pavement and explain its types.
Q3. Attempt any three questions.                            3×10=30
  i. Explain the factors controlling the alignment of road in plain area.
  ii. Write the notes on following terms
    a) Right of way  b) Camber  c) Overtaking sight distance d) Cutback            e) Formation width.
  iii. Explain the different joints provided in rigid pavements.
  iv. Define soil erosion and explain the methods to control soil erosion.
  v. What is soil stabilization? What are the different methods of soil s               Stabilization?
Highway Engineer ing HE 5th Sem/Civil /May 2019 Diploma PSBTE Paper
Get StartedSection a Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/May 2019 Paper
____________ publishes journals, research publications and standard specifications. Carriage way and shoulders combined together is known as ____________ To prevent abrupt change in grade at apex _________ Curves are provided. MOST signifies __________________ The solution of bitumen in solvent is called ______________ __________ Pavements cab is laid directly over sub grade. Cement stabilization reduces _______________ Characteristics of clayey soil. Compaction of the concrete pavement is done by _____________________ Turfing is employed to prevent _________________ A salient curve is ______________ Curve. Rigid pavement can be laid directly over sub grade.T/F Culvert is larger in proportion to a bridge.T/F IRC recommends ruling gradient 0f 1 in 20 for hilly area.T/F Topographic maps are prepared by survey of India.T/F Taxiways are used for housing aircrafts.T/FHighway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/May 2019 Diploma PSBTE Paper Click Here
Section B :Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/May 2019 Paper
Explain the softening point test of bitumen. Write its significance.Softening point test of bitumen and its significance.
Write a short note on taxiway.
Short note on taxiway.
What do you mean by gradient? Explain the various types of gradient.
Gradient and various types of gradient.
Give the functions of IRC.
Functions of IRC.
Compare bitumen and tar.
Compare bitumen and tar.
Explain the CBR test for soil.
CBR test for soil.
 What are the causes of landslides?
Causes of landslides
Explain terms borrow pits and spoil banks.
Borrow pits and spoil banks.
What do you mean by road pavement and explain its types.
Road pavement and its types.
Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/May 2019 Diploma PSBTE Paper Click Here
Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/ May 2019 Diploma PSBTE Paper
Get Started c :-Highway Engineering HE 5th Sem/Civil/May 2019 Diploma PSBTE Paper
Explain the factors controlling the alignment of road in plain area.Factors controlling the alignment of road in plain area.
Write the notes on following terms a) Right of way b) Camber c) Overtaking sight distance d) Cutback e) Formation width
Short notes on a) Right of wayÂ
Write the notes on b) CamberShort notes on b) CamberÂ
Write the notes on c) Overtaking sightShort Note c) Overtaking sight distanceÂ
Write the notes on d) CutbackShort Note d) CutbackÂ
Write the notes on e) Formation width.Short Note e) Formation width.
Explain the different joints provided in rigid pavements.Different joints provided in rigid pavements.
Define soil erosion and explain the methods to control soil erosion.
Soil erosion and methods to control soil erosion.
What is soil stabilization? What are the different methods of soil stabilization?
Soil stabilization and different methods of soil stabilization
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